Another SXSW raps up in Austin, Texas. The festival of music for up and coming artists has changed over the years! The aspiring bands travel from all over America and all over the world in hopes of being seen and discovered. For the music executives is now less about signing new bands, but more about socializing, enjoying the parties and catching the headliners - usually older bands supporting their latest album. It is not all lost for the younger bands. They all comment that meeting other musicians is the best part of the experience. In many cases, it has resulted in bands finding touring partners and friendships that last a long time. The music industry is down! You can see the difference walking down Sixth Street or getting a drink at Four Seasons. Even with the decline of CD sales and with so many lay-offs taking place, the panels at SXSW has always been in denial in the past. This year the mood was different! It was about acceptance that things are not the same and it is going to be a different business. Let’s now find new ways to materialize this art form. The music industry executives know they have to make changes to survive. So many irreplaceable people and personalities have been forced to leave the business. It is just not the same! This affects the quality of music that is being recorded and makes this process more difficult than ever. With this said, the music industry might be different and changing, but music will never die! People will always seek the latest and coolest sound.